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A message from Kevin Potter, the founder of WebLEDS

It is with great excitement and delight that I inform you that our WebLEDS product line and services are being acquired by Oregon's own Public Safety Software, LLC (PSS). I have personally known the PSS team for many years, some from the very beginning. The PSS team collectively has more than one and a half centuries of Oregon public safety experience, and of those, nearly 5 decades consist of in-depth CJIS-specific experience.

WebLEDS has been my life and passion for a quarter-century. I would have never considered this transition if I was not confident it was for the best, and that the system's legacy would continue uninterrupted. I can say without hesitation there is not another person more qualified to lead the team and take over the helm.

PSS has the dedication, funding, and drive to carry on the 25-year tradition of immediate, local, and excellent customer service you have come to rely upon. PSS has the vision and capabilities to expand the functionality and services in overwhelmingly creative and beneficial ways for our customers. In the end, this means your agency's needs will be served and cared for even better.

I will remain an integral part of the management team for the foreseeable future and will fervently work to ensure this transition will be administratively smooth and with no disruptions to technical operations.

It has been my extreme pleasure to have known and worked with you through my creation and operations of WebLEDS for the past 25 years. You have each been truly wonderful and I could never have asked for a better group of individuals to be professionally associated with.

For all future contacts regarding WebLEDS (questions, support, billing, etc.), please make note of the new contact information located at the bottom of this page.


Created in 1999, WebLEDS™ was the first software application enabling government-authorized personnel to access Criminal Justice Information (CJI) via the internet. Within a short time, WebLEDS™ became the preeminent application of choice for users to access LEDS which was established by the 1969 Oregon Legislature and is now comprehensively known as the Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS). CJIS provides access to information and databases available exclusively from within the state of Oregon as well as data and information from the FBI National Crime Information Center (NCIC) for every U.S. state and territory, and the International Police Organization (INTERPOL) for participating countries around the world via Nlets, the International Justice and Public Safety Network.

Unlike the first three decades of LEDS existence, this software eliminated the need for expensive and dedicated phone-line connections with LEDS by installing individual computer servers housed at participating agencies and leveraging internet technology for secure access. While this option is still available, and preferred, by several larger agencies with the information technology (IT) staff to support and maintain such servers - 2017 marked another first when WebLEDS™ eliminated the need for agency-hosted servers by establishing a cloud-based server system, thereby eliminating the comparatively high cost of establishing an in-house server system. The cloud-based solution has no start-up cost and literally costs pennies per-day, per user for complete access to all CJIS Data.

The Defining Difference

Unlike nearly all other companies and organizations operating in this space, we respond rapidly and effectively to requests for support as well as develop changes and customized solutions. Just as our predecessor of a quarter-century, our agility and flexibility is possible only because of our lean and versatile organizational structure coupled with our robust, nearly unparalleled cadre of CJIS technical and public safety-experienced team members. Together, these truly unique characteristics enable us to deliver our enterprise quality services and application solutions in short timeframes and at economical prices no other company can provide.

Our Performance; Our Legacy

Just as our products and customer service are unparalleled, so too is our system reliability. On average, WebLEDS™ enjoys a remarkable and unmatched system uptime of 99.9999923%; in other words, the system is only down 4 minutes out of a 525,600-minute year. Thus, WebLEDS™ is the premier interface protecting the people who protect citizens. Framed differently, on average, WebLEDS™ servers rapidly and efficiently process 2,400,000 transactions annually, relaying the messages to and from users within milliseconds of receipt.

WebLEDS™ serves approximately 10,000 users employed by more than 200 agencies across the state of Oregon. The table below shows examples of the types and categories of agencies utilizing WebLEDS™ every day.

CriminalNon-criminal Justice
Investigative / Enforcement Purposes
  • Courts
  • Parole
  • Probation
  • Police
  • Corrections
  • 911 Centers
  • Federal law enforcement agencies
Licensing & regulatory agencies mandated by law to ensure professionals have no disqualifying convictions; examples include:
  • Board of Medical Examiners (physicians & physician's assistants)
  • Board of Nursing (nurses and nurse practitioners)
  • Oregon Secretary of State
  • Teachers Standards and Practices (schoolteachers)
  • Childcare Division (daycare center operators & babysitters)
  • Many other agencies collectively employing thousands of workers


Terry O'Connell, LEDS Director (Retired)

"As the Director for two of the Oregon State Police's Regional Command Centers, and subsequently serving as the Director of LEDS until my retirement from the agency, I found the reliability of the WebLEDS™ application, and the dependability of the company was unmatched by any other vendor in the CJIS world. You have a choice in what product you use to access LEDS, and based on my experience, my choice would be WebLEDS™, due to its two-plus decades of steady, rock-solid, reliability and unparalleled responsiveness in protecting Oregon citizens. Officer safety is paramount in this business, and you want to ensure you use a proven product to ensure that safety; WebLEDS™ is that product."

Dan Malin, LEDS Auditor (Retired)

"As the Manager of the LEDS Helpdesk and then as the LEDS Auditor for 15 years until my retirement from Oregon State Police in 2021, I had the opportunity to interact with WebLEDS™ on several issues of shared responsibility. These included the interoperability between LEDS and WebLEDS™, directing customers to Kevin for questions and support, and working together on operational changes from NCIC or LEDS, based on new statutory requirements or policies.

Naturally we had access to WebLEDS™ at the LEDS Helpdesk and who we worked with as service partners. WebLEDS™ was the first LEDS web application in Oregon, and I found it presented logical, user friendly and intuitive mask technology for all LEDS record transactions. The product is reliable, and the team was always available and responsive to any service issues that occurred, and these were very few. Same day response and service was the regular level of support, and this is extremely important in the law enforcement/criminal justice environment where first responders are relying on this technology.

If an agency is looking to obtain access to LEDS through a web application, WebLEDS™ should be a primary choice, based on its dependability, responsiveness and proven 20 plus year history with LEDS and Oregon agencies."

John Garlick, Retired ISS8, LEDS Database Administrator (Retired)

"Having served as the Database Administrator (the person responsible for managing the entire LEDS database) for 13 years, I had the opportunity to work extensively with the WebLEDS™ application. WebLEDS™ is unequivocally the best designed, most user friendly, and the most reliable interface between CJIS users and the LEDS/NCIC systems. Without hesitation I recommend any agency requiring LEDS/NCIC access consider WebLEDS™ as their only reliable option."

Jeffrey D. Bock, Retired, Manager – LEDS UCR Program (Retired)

"I served as a police officer for nearly ten years, then joined the LEDS team in 1991, retaining my Oregon DPSST Police Officer Certification. In 1994, I was promoted to the Manager of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program where I served until my retirement in 2014. I worked closely with the WebLEDS™ application from its creation in 1999 through my departure in 2014. I was equally impressed with both the user-friendly interface and unfaltering reliability, as well as the speed, responsiveness, and capabilities of the support provided by the WebLEDS™ team. After serving in the law enforcement profession for over three decades, I understand the importance of having access to the right information, at the right time, in the right place. With more than 23 years of in-depth involvement in the design and use of the LEDS system, I can safely say WebLEDS™ is the sole product I would rely on to provide access to life-saving information to ensure I return home safely every day."

Miscellaneous Customer Comments and Endorsements

"Did I say that I absolutely love the hosted Service?"

"Thanks for the great service you provide."

"Mercy, it seems a simple 'thank you' is just not enough. You going above and beyond as you did really helped me & my coworkers. Honestly, I do appreciate the time & effort you took to assist me in fine fashion."

"You are amazing! Thank you so much for what you do! WebLEDS™ is the best! It makes our job easy!"

Data Security

Regardless which of our application(s) are utilized to access CJIS data, be it through cell phone, tablet, or computer, you data is protected by the technology of AWS GovCloud services.

AWS GovCloud (US) gives government customers and their partners the flexibility to architect secure cloud solutions that comply with the FedRAMP High baseline; the DOJ's Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) Security Policy; U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR); Export Administration Regulations (EAR); Department of Defense (DoD) Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide (SRG) for Impact Levels 2, 4 and 5; FIPS 140-2; IRS-1075; and other compliance regimes.

AWS GovCloud operates two (2) regions: (US-East) and (US-West) and are operated by employees who are U.S. citizens on U.S. soil. AWS GovCloud (US) is only accessible to U.S. entities and root account holders who pass a screening process. Customers must confirm that they will only use a U.S. person (green card holder or citizen as defined by the U.S. Department of State) to manage and access root account keys to these regions.

From Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), Personally Identifiable Information (PII), sensitive patient medical records, and financial data to law enforcement data, export-controlled data and other forms of CUI, AWS GovCloud (US) Regions can help customers address compliance at every stage of their cloud journey.

Click here to learn more about AWS GovCloud

Applications Overview

WebLEDS™ is a software application interface designed for desktop, tablet, and mobile web-enabled devices that places Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) data instantly in the hands of criminal justice and legally designated non-criminal justice personnel. Using this interface, personnel have immediate access to information about individuals, property, vehicles, and other data which improves safety and maximizes risk and threat assessment.

WebLEDS™ is a browser-based (Web) application with roughly 400+ preformatted screens for inquiry and data entry into the State of Oregon Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) (formally known as Law Enforcement Data System (LEDS)), the FBI National Crime Information Center (NCIC), and law enforcement agencies worldwide through the International Police Organization (INTERPOL) by way of connectivity with the International Justice and Information Network (Nlets).

WebLEDS™ On-site Server

Initially, our flagship solution, WebLEDS, is designed as an easy to use and easy to deploy application that is run directly on a Microsoft Server hosted on an agency's internal network.

All aspects of this solution, including all user & passwords management, system operation, system access, firewall control, internal networking, server upgrades and maintenance, etc. are controlled entirely by the agency's internal staff. No additional client-based workstation software is required; only an internet browser and internet connectivity. All benefits combined make this solution perfect and deployment a snap and for organizations desiring the flexibility of having all IT services maintained in-house.

WebLEDS™ Hosted

WebLEDS is pleased to provide a "hosted" solution for those agencies who do not wish to, or cannot, host their own WebLEDS system. With WebLEDS Hosted, we provide the WebLEDS service vis AWS GovCloud. Users simply sign up for our monthly subscription service and within a couple days your users can begin using the system. No hardware to purchase, no software to install, no systems to maintain and support - we do it all!


iCop™ brings criminal justice information directly to the phone/tablet environment via the same secure AWS GovCloud solution. While designed to display perfectly on phones and tables, this version will work on any standard browser as well. iCop™ enables field operators to access criminal justice information when and where they need it.

The iCop™ application provides a condensed version of the more comprehensive WebLEDS™ application but formatted specifically for use on web-enabled tablets, mobile phones, mobile data terminals (MDT) not running the WebLEDS Mobile Data System (MDS)™ program. The preformatted masks are limited to those most frequently needed in the "field" environment. Limiting the formatted screens only to the most used functions in a filed environment is what enables the application to display correctly on the limited amount of screen real estate on phones and smaller tablets.


WebLEDS Mobile Data System (MDS)™ is a complete LEDS, NLETS, NCIC and DMV photo application system designed specifically for in-car MDT use. This main engine of this application is the same as the favored WebLEDS™ application; however, the user interface has been described as the best and most functional MDT application on the market.

The MDS™ is designed as a complete push-button touch screen application. Unlike all other WebLEDS™ interfaces, at present, this application will only run in the Microsoft Windows operating system. Contrary to years past, TODAY, it only requires an economical tablet (available at prices as low as $200-$300 each) that can run Windows and has internet connectivity.

As a result, the expansive technological advancement of the past few years enables placing this vital and lifesaving technology into the hands and patrol cars of even the most financially constrained law enforcement agency.

WebLEDS Batch™

The WebLEDS Batch™ add-on features allow agencies responsible for conducting large volumes of CJIS transactions the ability to accurately submit literally thousands of queries within minutes. As part of many governmental agencies mandates as promulgated by administrative rule and/or statute, they are required to conduct background checks on persons seeking licensure and/or certification under the purview of the given agency.

Examples of such agencies include the Board of Medical Examiners who license physicians and physician assistants; the Board of Nursing who license nurses and nurse practitioners; the Childcare Division of the Employment Department are required to check the backgrounds of prospective childcare providers; and the list goes on. Some of these agencies can process hundreds, if not thousands, of checks every week.

Absent an alternative, personnel in these agencies must manually hand enter every name, date of birth, social security number, etc. into the CJIS interface one at a time. This is not only extremely costly from an employee cost perspective but can be even more costly if even a single error in data entry is made due to human error.

WebLEDS Batch™ eliminates each of these potential risks, while simultaneously exponentially increasing the efficiency and productivity of regulatory agencies by effortlessly processing thousands of queries each day, simply by utilizing WebLEDS Batch™ to upload information needed to run specific queries such as criminal histories, driver license checks, etc.

Flexibility in Connectivity and Functionality - Application Interfaces (APIs)

In addition, WebLEDS™ also contains several programmatic application interfaces (API's) which allows interfacing with any external application systems such as, but not limited to, other computer-aided dispatch systems (CADs), records management systems (RMS), E-Ticket, and jail management systems (JMS).

Furthermore, because the programming language/format and system architecture utilized for all CJIS transactions in the United States is standardized by the FBI, WebLEDS™ can seamlessly be configured for use in all other states, US Territories, and Canadian provinces within a very short period of time per-state or province.

So, What is Next? - What Does The Future Hold?

First and foremost, you have our steadfast commitment that the quarter-century of core systems, services, and customer service will not change, period.

Beyond that, hardware and software technology are changing daily, enabling capabilities that were once only possible as someone's futuristic dream as a realistic possibility today. Changing equally as fast is the volume of time-consuming demands, needs, and burdens placed on criminal justice practitioners. Pairing users' creativity and outside-the-box thinking and leveraging rapidly evolving technology will enable us to increase safety and dramatically streamline workflows.

For these reasons, we are actively seeking ideas and input from our user community on how we can make this system, and your job tasks both easier and safer. We encourage everyone to send their creative thoughts and ideas to us at:

Company Information

Public Safety Software, LLC
Bob & Shelly Morris - Owners
P.O. Box 7102
Salem, OR 97303

Office: 888-777-8670
Fax: 971-209-3800
